How to Get Your Trot Back After the Turkey Trot

How to Get Your Trot Back After the Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving can be a day of excesses—too much turkey, desserts, and at times, family!  Running the local Turkey Trot may be just what you need to help you reduce stress and get your body in shape for the turkey-a-thon.  After the trot though, you may experience soreness and mild discomfort brought on by inflammation.  Here are 4 ways to reduce pain and inflammation after your post-trot work-out.


Soak. Take an Epsom Salt bath. Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a natural mineral compound historically known for its ability to reduce inflammation, ease stress and flush toxins from the body.  Try adding Frankincense oil to your bath,  a traditional herb which helps reduce pain and inflammation. 

Eat up! Research shows that getting protein immediately after exercise, combined with a small amount of carbohydrates, can help ease muscle soreness.  Put that leftover turkey dinner to good use!

Rehydrate.  Drink lots of water to help rehydrate tissue and flush out toxins.  Remember—our muscles are actually 75% water!  Drinking 50 percent more fluid than you lost in sweat will enhance rapid recovery. 

Herb up! Super anti-inflammatory herbs like Ginger, Licorice, and Tumeric are all highly effective inflammation reducers and can help your body recover quickly.  They can help minimize discomfort and down-time, and reduce inflammation, which is the cause of soreness.  

Try using IN:MOTION with its 12 anti-inflammatory and pain reducing herbs including Licorice Root, Ginger, Flowering Quince, Frankincense Resin, Curcumae Longae Root, which is a derivative of Tumeric, to help you get your trot back—fast!  

Be Well!!!

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