How Can I Keep My Immune System Young?
Did you know our immune systems age and become less effective as we get older? The Covid-related data we are inundated with every day is proof that older people are more victim to a less responsive immune system. Data from CDC and the World Health Organization clearly shows that there is a significant jump in Covid-related illness and death from the 45-54-year-old age group to the 55-64-year-old age group. Here’s the breakdown of what happens to our immune system as it ages: Our immune systems become less able to differentiate foreign threats to the body from our bodies...
Simone Wan

3 Ways to Avoid Seasonal Affect Disorder
Daylight Savings Time is here and we are all getting less sun! This could bring on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and the pandemic is probably not helping! SAD can make you feel low and can affect your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy levels. We need to watch out for it because it can also impact your relationships, social life, work, and/or school. Yikes! So what causes SAD? Research shows that during the shorter, darker days of winter, we get the double whammy of not getting enough Serotonin and too much Melatonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that influences mood. Melatonin is a...
Simone Wan

Is My Stress Also Stressing Out My Gut?
I think that, at some point, we have all experienced some level of stomach or digestive upset when we have been faced with a stressful situation—yes? What we may not know, though, is how significant the impact of ongoing stress can have on our gut flora or digestive microbiome, our immune function and general health. And, equally important as stress impacting my gut health is that my gut health can impact how I react to stress! The brain gut connection is real! So, let’s dig into the “brain-gut connection” and what it all means. Nerves extend from the brain to...
Simone Wan

Can I Eat My Way to a More Peaceful Existence?
We all have some level of stress and anxiety, perhaps more these days than ever. There are any number of ways that we can try to mitigate the constant onslaught of stress and anxiety inducers. We can meditate, we can exercise, we can make sure that we are connecting with friends and loved ones, deep breathing, journaling. But what about anxiety-reducing foods? Is there such a thing? Answer-Yes! There are foods that can actually help to reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Foods that are high in antioxidants, high in omega’s, Vitamin B, Magnesium, and foods that reduce inflammation can all...
Simone Wan
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