Blog — Beauty From Within
3 DYI Superfood Masks to Bring Your Glow Back!!!
Skin looking a little tired? Winter skin not coping too well with cold temperatures and drying heat? Just wanting to get your glow back? There are so many plant-based remedies and superfoods that can do double duty as both foods that we eat AND put on our skin! Below are 3 easy DIY face masks that will leave your skin glowing, hydrated and bring your glow back! Easy Goji Berry Mask Goji Berries are a superfood that isn’t just for eating! These little red powerhouses can benefit you when applied externally to your skin. Goji Berries contain powerful antioxidants and vitamins...
Simone Wan Moran
Alcohol—Stress Reliever or Stress Inducer?
We can all benefit in multiple ways from changing some habits and reducing toxins in our lives. Unfortunately, it's a harsh reality that we carry toxins in our bodies, which can stress our physical and emotional selves. And we may be introducing toxins into our bodies that we may think are stress reducers, but that actually increase stress vs. reducing it. A common belief is that having a drink—a glass of wine, a beer for example—is a stress-reducer. Many of us have a habit of drinking some type alcoholic beverage when we get home after a long day of work. With the...
Simone Wan Moran
Healing Through the Face: Stomach
We are continuing our face mapping journey and next up is the stomach. In Chinese medicine, the two main sources of energy come from the air we breathe and the food we eat. Our lungs and stomach are important to keep healthy if we are to have the maximum energy level possible. Stomach imbalances can manifest symptoms in several different ways. For instance, my son has a sensitivity to wheat, rice and eggs. The only symptom he had was an awful stuffy nose. He tested negative for any food allergies but when I tested him for food sensitivity and he...
Simone Wan Moran
How Adaptogens Can Shrink Your Belly Fat (And Which Ones to Use!)
When the New York Times wrote an article about adaptogens, and Health Magazine interviewed me asking me to answer some questions on adaptogens for their November article "Adaptogens Explained", I realized that finally, plant-based medicine is becoming more main stream. This got me excited and I wanted to write about something that adaptogens do that most people don't know about: Shrink belly fat! First of all, what are adaptogens? Adaptogens are a group of plants that can help our bodies adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stressors. As you probably know, your body is built to release the hormone cortisol to respond to...
Simone Wan Moran
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