Blog — inmotion

Recover Fast and Get Back in the Game!
Recovery, as I’m sure you’ve heard, is important for our body’s healing process. What can we do to recover fast? Let's talk about why we are sore in the first place. When we work out, we break down muscle, which has to be rebuilt. And with muscle breakdown, we can have some soreness and discomfort. The soreness and mild discomfort is brought on by inflammation—the body’s natural response is to send in the troops—blood and other support—to heal tissue and make it stronger. So, some amount of soreness is natural and normal. However, we all can overdo our workouts, which can...
Simone Wan Moran

What Causes Inflammation and What You Can Do About It!
So, there is a lot of conversation out there about inflammation and why we need to fix it. Let’s talk about what is inflammation and why it matters, where it comes from, and what we can do about it. It is important to understand that there is a connection between inflammation and immunity, which negatively impacts hormonal balance, which in turn impacts mood, energy, and wellness. We can actually have stress and inflammation at the cellular level. When we have inflammation at the cellular level, our gut and our brains are out of balance, which can cause us...
Simone Wan Moran
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