Why Can’t I Fall Asleep at Night?
Something most people don’t know is that we have a “body clock” that regulates the energy going into each of our organs, at different times of the day. This clock can also be called our circadian rhythm, which is roughly a 24 hour cycle in the physiological process of living beings. Circadian rhythms are important in determining the sleeping and feeding patterns of all animals, including human beings. Science Daily says that there are clear patterns of brain wave activity, hormone production, cell regeneration and other biological activities linked to different times during this daily cycle. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our thyroid and adrenal...
Simone Wan Moran
Recover Fast and Get Back in the Game!
Recovery, as I’m sure you’ve heard, is important for our body’s healing process. What can we do to recover fast? Let's talk about why we are sore in the first place. When we work out, we break down muscle, which has to be rebuilt. And with muscle breakdown, we can have some soreness and discomfort. The soreness and mild discomfort is brought on by inflammation—the body’s natural response is to send in the troops—blood and other support—to heal tissue and make it stronger. So, some amount of soreness is natural and normal. However, we all can overdo our workouts, which can...
Simone Wan Moran
6 Tricks to help ease PMS and Cramps!
It just seems unfair that every month we have to revisit the PMS/Cramps issue. Is there a natural way we can prevent this monthly drudgery so we can continue our daily routine without moodiness and cramps? As a practitioner of Traditional Medicine, I help my patients by suggesting some easy tips to incorporate into their wellness menstrual routine. These are tried and true and I’m happy to be sharing them with you today! 3 Tricks to Less PMS PMS can be accentuated by stress, hormones, and our diet. Our body is building up blood to prepare for the menstrual flow. It’s almost...
Simone Wan Moran
Beauty Sleep: Reality or Myth?
Beauty Sleep - Not Just a Myth! #beautysleep #sleephacks #herbalsleepremedies #naturalsleepremedies #restfulsleep #sleep We have all heard the saying “Get your beauty sleep.” And we wonder if the concept of Beauty Sleep is real, or if it is a myth. The good news is that Beauty Sleep is real. The quality and quantity of sleep you get each night impacts can impact your skin’s health and appearance. When we sleep our bodies and our skin recharge because we are healing, restoring and eliminating toxins. The normal sleep cycle has 3 phases, each of which has a specific effect on...
Simone Wan Moran
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