Blog — Fit For Life

The Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie That Will Protect Your Muscles and Keep You Beautiful

The Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie That Will Protect Your Muscles and Keep You Beautiful

My dearest childhood friend who also happens to be a fabulous fitness instructor shared this recipe with me.  She uses it before her work out to protect herself from inflammation and soreness, which she often has after a long day of training.  The anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables, along with the anti-inflammatory super herbs, is a winning combination.  The added collagen peptides boost your collagen for beautiful hair and nails.  Enjoy! Most delicious smoothie: Combine all ingredients in a blender and enjoy!!! 1 c coconut milk 1/2 c organic frozen blueberries 1/2 c spinach 1 sachet IN: Motion 1 scoop Vital Proteins...

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Simone Wan Moran

How to Get Your Trot Back After the Turkey Trot

How to Get Your Trot Back After the Turkey Trot

Thanksgiving can be a day of excesses—too much turkey, desserts, and at times, family!  Running the local Turkey Trot may be just what you need to help you reduce stress and get your body in shape for the turkey-a-thon.  After the trot though, you may experience soreness and mild discomfort brought on by inflammation.  Here are 4 ways to reduce pain and inflammation after your post-trot work-out.   Soak. Take an Epsom Salt bath. Epsom salt, or magnesium sulfate, is a natural mineral compound historically known for its ability to reduce inflammation, ease stress and flush toxins from the body.  Try adding...

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Simone Wan Moran

How Adaptogens Can Shrink Your Belly Fat (And Which Ones to Use!)

How Adaptogens Can Shrink Your Belly Fat (And Which Ones to Use!)

When the New York Times wrote an article about adaptogens, and Health Magazine interviewed me asking me to answer some questions on adaptogens for their November article "Adaptogens Explained", I realized that finally, plant-based medicine is becoming more main stream.  This got me excited and I wanted to write about something that adaptogens do that most people don't know about:  Shrink belly fat!   First of all, what are adaptogens?  Adaptogens are a group of plants that can help our bodies adapt to physical, chemical, and environmental stressors. As you probably know, your body is built to release the hormone cortisol to respond to...

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Simone Wan Moran

Recover Fast and Get Back in the Game!

Recover Fast and Get Back in the Game!

Recovery, as I’m sure you’ve heard, is important for our body’s healing process.  What can we do to recover fast?  Let's talk about why we are sore in the first place.  When we work out, we break down muscle, which has to be rebuilt.  And with muscle breakdown, we can have some soreness and discomfort.  The soreness and mild discomfort is brought on by inflammation—the body’s natural response is to send in the troops—blood and other support—to heal tissue and make it stronger.  So, some amount of soreness is natural and normal.  However, we all can overdo our workouts, which can...

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Simone Wan Moran