Blog — Sleep Essentials
Are You Missing Some Essential Steps Towards Better Sleep?
It's hard to wake up when you haven't slept well and the day tends to drag on when you're tired. You may drink too much coffee, overstimulate your adrenals, and then the vicious cycle of poor sleep starts all over again. There are some basics you can do to ensure better sleep quality, including not drinking caffeine past 12, which I didn't list here. These simple rules will help you to achieve a blissful night of sleep! Lower the temperature-- The National Sleep Foundation recommends keeping your bedroom between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit for an optimal night’s sleep. Researchers...
Simone Wan Moran
How to maximize the benefits of Fall Time Change
It's that time of year again to change the clocks in November and "gain" an hour of sleep. At least it seems easier than when we change the clocks in the spring and lose an hour of sleep! But there are still only 24 hours in a day, and there are still adjustments that our bodies must make even when we Fall Back. We need to make sure that our body clock—circadian rhythm—adjusts to the new time. I speed up my adjustment from Daylight Savings Time to Standard time by following some simple practices. To get myself back in rhythm,...
Simone Wan Moran
Why Can’t I Fall Asleep at Night?
Something most people don’t know is that we have a “body clock” that regulates the energy going into each of our organs, at different times of the day. This clock can also be called our circadian rhythm, which is roughly a 24 hour cycle in the physiological process of living beings. Circadian rhythms are important in determining the sleeping and feeding patterns of all animals, including human beings. Science Daily says that there are clear patterns of brain wave activity, hormone production, cell regeneration and other biological activities linked to different times during this daily cycle. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), our thyroid and adrenal...
Simone Wan Moran
Beauty Sleep: Reality or Myth?
Beauty Sleep - Not Just a Myth! #beautysleep #sleephacks #herbalsleepremedies #naturalsleepremedies #restfulsleep #sleep We have all heard the saying “Get your beauty sleep.” And we wonder if the concept of Beauty Sleep is real, or if it is a myth. The good news is that Beauty Sleep is real. The quality and quantity of sleep you get each night impacts can impact your skin’s health and appearance. When we sleep our bodies and our skin recharge because we are healing, restoring and eliminating toxins. The normal sleep cycle has 3 phases, each of which has a specific effect on...
Simone Wan Moran
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